понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

easy.be speelmee

I see that I�havenapos;t posted in awhile.....because Iapos;m back on dA. Iapos;m back on a lot�of things, like myspace too.

And Iapos;m back on fingernails Yay they grew more and I didnapos;t go all nervous-eat-making on them. Lol.
So...JROTC�is going superfantastically well.....except that Iapos;m on a drill team I donapos;t want to be on. Unarmed Exhibition....Itapos;s like a step team but we have to look straight ahead and no talking unless itapos;s sounding off.

AND�I�DONapos;T�WANT�TO�BE�ON�IT because I made so many mistakes at competition this past saturday. We didnapos;t place because of me. But thatapos;s just what I think. And because some people are so.....er...grr bitchy grr. Ya know?

But yeah, Today was very fun
I got to command drill Even if it was only one person...
but I did and I didnapos;t chew them out or anything

And Sean messed with me and my bearing. Just by walking in front of me.....not even. Once he was in my....um peripheral�view I started laughing and took five minutes to stop.
Just because Iapos;m like that

er...........this is supposed to be a livejournal but you never know when your friend is on?

So Iapos;m acting like a weirdo....I need to get silly, huh?
man oh man that sounds weird when I think it.

I just did four surveys on myspace because I was bored......and wanted to see if anyone would read them........lol no way man.
and i wanted someone to add me to their myspace
thatapos;s why I hate myspace. Because people donapos;t check it everyday and do stuff up there.

Now Iapos;m all bitchy and complianing and I want someone to answer my cuddle call.
So answer damnit.

um...gonna go post stuff on dA now
Good night moon.

iapos;m stoned iapos;m so high, much higher than youapos;ll ever be
thatapos;s hilarious
we were talking about navy ranks

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

academic study abroad

TAMPA -Barack Obama will hold an "early vote for change" rally Monday at Legends Field Monday to promote the start of early voting in Florida. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. At the stadium at 3802 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. And the event is free and open to the public. While tickets are not required, the campaign is encouraging people to RSVP online at FL.barackobama.com.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

artistic ironwork supplies

Okay, so the Data Entry department (which my Endorsements department is technically part of) was already shorthanded for the past couple of weeks, because the new girl lasted all of two weeks before she got fired for being a slack ass. Now weapos;re down by one more because one of the other girls has to take some personal time off. With the numbers being down lately, though, weapos;ve been handling it okay so far.

I just found out today that next week, the supervisor is going to be out on Thursday. So the girl who normally fills in for her is the one who had to take time off. Guess who gets to fill in for the supervisor that day? ME R. Says that it isnapos;t really hard, just a lot of stuff that needs to get done. Checking her email for endorsements and uploads that have come in, printing them up, giving them to the other girls in data entry to process (or me for endorsements), logging them, blah blah. Lots of stuff. Yipes. Wednesday after my dentist appointment R. Is supposed to show me how to do her job so that Iapos;ll be prepared on Thursday.

Part of me is glad that they feel Iapos;m reliable enough and capable enough after only being here for, what, four months, that Iapos;m trusted with the responsibility. But part of me is reallllly nervous. Not only will I have to make sure MY job gets done that day, Iapos;ve got all kinds of other stuff to worry about that day too.

Whew. Something tells me Iapos;m going to REALLY want a drink after all that next week.

Thank the gods today is Friday.

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epithet racial student teacher toward use

I�know I�havenapos;t updated in a while. So much stuff has been going on with work, school, and etc. I should get to it this weekend. But until then:

The kid who hit my car with his car a month ago just got hired as a driver for Unitrans. Oh, the irony. Hypothetical situation: said kid gets into an accident and I�am the RS.� Am I�allowed to laugh?

But seriously, although the kid was a douchebag about the entire situation, I should attempt to be nice and give him another chance. I�suppose. Still, how many people did I�rant to about the accident and his attitude about the accident ... And how many of those people work for Unitrans? (Inside, I am laughing.)
epithet racial student teacher toward use, epithet racial, epithet of athena, epithet of.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

cellular phone prepaid razor

From ACE

When you see this, post in your own journal with your favorite quote from The Princess Bride. Preferably not "As you wish" or the Inigo Montoya speech.

(in my opinion, if the first two quotes above are your favorites from the movie, then you obviously havenapos;t watched the movie enough times. Anyway, my favorite :)

(where to start?? This is one of the most quotable movies of all time)

"So youapos;ve been stalking me your whole life, only to fail now? Thatapos;s the saddest thing Iapos;ve ever heard"

"Rodents of Unusual Size? I donapos;t think they exist."

"Give us the gatekey"
"I have no gatekey"
"Fezzik, tear his arms off"
"Oh, you mean THIS gatekey"

all quotes are from memory and probably wrong. Which just means I need to watch the movie again. I can deal with that. Holy shit, I didnapos;t even mention the "Classic Blunders" quote. Oh well. Back to work.

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