пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

artistic ironwork supplies

Okay, so the Data Entry department (which my Endorsements department is technically part of) was already shorthanded for the past couple of weeks, because the new girl lasted all of two weeks before she got fired for being a slack ass. Now weapos;re down by one more because one of the other girls has to take some personal time off. With the numbers being down lately, though, weapos;ve been handling it okay so far.

I just found out today that next week, the supervisor is going to be out on Thursday. So the girl who normally fills in for her is the one who had to take time off. Guess who gets to fill in for the supervisor that day? ME R. Says that it isnapos;t really hard, just a lot of stuff that needs to get done. Checking her email for endorsements and uploads that have come in, printing them up, giving them to the other girls in data entry to process (or me for endorsements), logging them, blah blah. Lots of stuff. Yipes. Wednesday after my dentist appointment R. Is supposed to show me how to do her job so that Iapos;ll be prepared on Thursday.

Part of me is glad that they feel Iapos;m reliable enough and capable enough after only being here for, what, four months, that Iapos;m trusted with the responsibility. But part of me is reallllly nervous. Not only will I have to make sure MY job gets done that day, Iapos;ve got all kinds of other stuff to worry about that day too.

Whew. Something tells me Iapos;m going to REALLY want a drink after all that next week.

Thank the gods today is Friday.

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