четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

cellular phone prepaid razor

From ACE

When you see this, post in your own journal with your favorite quote from The Princess Bride. Preferably not "As you wish" or the Inigo Montoya speech.

(in my opinion, if the first two quotes above are your favorites from the movie, then you obviously havenapos;t watched the movie enough times. Anyway, my favorite :)

(where to start?? This is one of the most quotable movies of all time)

"So youapos;ve been stalking me your whole life, only to fail now? Thatapos;s the saddest thing Iapos;ve ever heard"

"Rodents of Unusual Size? I donapos;t think they exist."

"Give us the gatekey"
"I have no gatekey"
"Fezzik, tear his arms off"
"Oh, you mean THIS gatekey"

all quotes are from memory and probably wrong. Which just means I need to watch the movie again. I can deal with that. Holy shit, I didnapos;t even mention the "Classic Blunders" quote. Oh well. Back to work.

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